The Family Supports Waiver is new, effective September 1, 2012. It was previously called the Support Services Waiver. This Waiver was created to offer more flexibility in services and allow for individuals with developmental disabilities to remain at home with their families as long as possible.
The annual CAP for this waiver is currently $16,545. Annually, $1500 is automatically allocated for Case Management Services. The remainder of the funds can be used for services deemed most appropriate by the individual, family, and/or legal guardian(s).
AccessAbilities, Inc. offers services for Family Supports Waiver at all three locations (Northwest Indiana, Indianapolis Area, and Bloomington Area).
We offer the following services on this waiver:
Community Habilitation (Individual and Group)
Facility Habilitation (Individual and Group)
Extended Services
Family and Caregiver Training
Participant Assistance and Care (PAC)
Respite Services (RSPO)
Behavior Management Services (Northwest Indiana & Indianapolis locations only)
Music Therapy (Northwest Indiana & Indianapolis locations only)
The Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver was created, effective September 1, 2012. It used to be referred to as the Developmental Disabilities Waiver or the Autism Waiver. These have both been combined to create this waiver.
This waiver is based on the needs of the individual and the individual’s ALGO Level. There is no annual CAP, but rather funding is based on a series of assessments (which determines a person’s ALGO level). Typically, this waiver allows an individual to live on his/her own or with roommates in the community, and receive staff support as well. The person may also choose to remain living in his/her family home too.
There is no longer a waiting list for this waiver, rather emergency criteria is the only qualifying factor at this point. Qualification for this waiver is based on the following emergency criteria:
The primary caregiver is 80 years of age or older.
Loss of primary caregiver.
Extraordinary health and safety risk.
Evidence of abuse or neglect in the current institutional or home placement.
AccessAbilities, Inc. offers services for the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver at all three locations (Northwest Indiana, Indianapolis Area, and Bloomington Area).
We offer the following services on this waiver:
Residential and Habilitation Services (RHSO)
Wellness Coordination (based on need- each person is assigned a Tier level)
Community Habilitation (Individual and Group)
Facility Habilitation (Individual and Group)
Extended Services
Family and Caregiver Training
Community Transition Services ($1,000 one-time only allotment)
Respite Services (RSPO)
Behavior Management Services (Northwest Indiana & Indianapolis locations only)
Music Therapy (Northwest Indiana & Indianapolis locations only)
Residential Daily Rate
The Aged and Disabled Waiver (A&D) is a Medical Model Waiver. It is offered through the local Area Agency on Aging. The A&D Waiver provides an alternative to nursing facility admission for adults and persons of all ages with a disability. The waiver is designed to provide services to supplement informal supports for people who would require care in a nursing facility if waiver or other supports were not available. Waiver services can be used to help people remain in their own homes, as well as assist people living in nursing facilities to return to community settings such as their own homes, apartments, assisted living or Adult Family Care.
AccessAbilities, Inc. only offers services for the Aged and Disabled Waiver in our Northwest Indiana Location at this time. Services for this waiver include the following:
Homemaker Services
Attendant Care Services
The Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver (TBI) provides home and community-based services to individuals who, but for the provision of such services, would require institutional care. Through the use of the Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver (TBI), the Indiana Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning and the Indiana Division of Aging seek to increase availability and access to cost-effective traumatic brain injury waiver services to people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Indiana defines a traumatic brain injury as a trauma that has occurred as a closed or open head injury by an external event that results in damage to brain tissue, with or without injury to other body organs. Examples of external agents are: mechanical; or events that result in interference with vital functions. Traumatic brain injury means a sudden insult or damage to brain function, not of a degenerative or congenital nature. The insult of damage may produce an altered state of consciousness and may result in a decrease in cognitive, behavioral, emotional, or physical functioning resulting in partial or total disability not including birth trauma related injury.
AccessAbilities, Inc. only offers services for the Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver in our Northwest Indiana Location at this time. Services for this waiver include the following:
Homemaker Services
Attendant Care Services
Residential Based Habilitation Services
Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) The FSSA Divison of Aging uses the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) to fund a number of different in-home, community-based, and facility-oriented services targeted for low-income older adults and persons with disabilities. Services include the following: Homemaker Services Attendant Care Services Title III Title III-B Supportive Services and Senior Center Programs are provided through Indiana’s 16 Area Agencies on Aging. The services, under the Older Americans Act, as amended, organize, coordinate and provide community-based services and opportunities for older individuals and their families.
AccessAbilities, Inc. only offers services for Title III Services in our Northwest Indiana Location at this time. Services include the following: Homemaker Services Attendant Care Services CHOICE The Community and Home Options to Institutional Care for the Elderly and Disabled (CHOICE) provides case management services, assessment, and in-home and community services to individuals who are at least 60 years of age or persons of any age who have a disability due to a mental or physical impairment and who are found to be at risk of losing their independence.
CHOICE funds may only be utilized after an applicant has been determined and documented ineligible for Medicaid or if currently eligible for Medicaid, after a determination that the requested service(s) is not available from Medicaid. AccessAbilities, Inc. only offers services for CHOICE Services in our Northwest Indiana Location at this time. Services include the following: Homemaker Services Attendant Care Services.
Caregiver Support Services are a short-term relief period for the primary caregiver. It can be provided in the primary caregiver’s and individual’s home; OR a non-private residential setting (i.e., a “respite home”). The trained staff can do the following activities: assistance with toileting and feeding; assistance with daily living skills, including assistance with accessing the community and community activities; assistance with grooming and personal hygiene; meal preparation, serving and clean up; medication administration. Funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The fiscal year of the state runs from July 1st – June 30th. The state offers each individual $500 per person for this service, which equates to a total of 31.25 hours. You must go to your local BDDS office to complete an application for services, or you can use the following link to apply for services. Once you are approved for services, you will receive a pick-list of provider agencies. We provide this service in all three of our AccessAbilities, Inc. Locations (Northwest Indiana, Indianapolis Area, and Bloomington Area). ***Remember, you must apply every year for this service.***
AccessAbilities, Inc. is willing to work with families and individuals to create private pay contracts for a variety of waiver services. If you are interested in this service, contact your local AccessAbilities, Inc. location to inquire.
AccessAbilities, Inc. accepts coverage from most major insurance companies and is now offering Behavior Management Services and Counseling through insurance. We are approved for Aetna, TriCare, United Health Care, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Health Link, Tricare/ACDP/MHN, Physicians Health Plan, Magellan, and Multiplan.