Residential Habilitation and Support Services provide up to a full day (24-hour basis) of services and/or supports which are designed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the participant, and assist in the acquisition, improvement, and retention of skills necessary to support participants to live successfully in their own homes.

RHS includes the following activities:

  • Direct supervision
  • Monitoring and training to implement the Person-Centered Individualized Support Plan (PCISP) outcomes for the participant through the following:
    • Assistance with personal care
    • meals
    • Shopping
    • Errands
    • Chore and leisure activities and transportation (excluding transportation that is covered under the Medicaid State Plan)
  • Coordination and facilitation of medical and non-medical services to meet healthcare needs, including physician consults, medications, development and oversight of a health plan
  • Utilization of available supports in a cost effective manner and maintenance of each participant’s health record
  • Assurance direct service staff are aware and active in the development and implementation of PCISP, Behavior Support Plans and Risk Plans